We both left home at 18, You cleared JEE, I got recommended. You got IIT, I got NDA. You persuaded you degree, I had the toughest training. Your day started at 7 and ended at 5, Mine started at 4 till 9 and Some nights also included. You had your convocation ceremony, I had my POP. Best company took you and Best package was awarded, I was ordered to join my paltan With 2 stars piped on my shoulders. You got a job, I got a way of life. Every eve you got to see your family, I just wished i got to see my parents soon. You celebrated festivals with lights and music, I celebrated with my comrade in bunkers. We both married, Your wife got to see you everyday, My wife just wished i was Alive. You were sent to business trips, I was sent on line of control. We both returned, Both wives couldn't control their tears, but You wiped her but, I couldn't... You hugged her but, I couldn't. Because I was lying in the coffin, With medals on my chest and, ...