The sex life of my belt's buckle is as frustrating as mine. It also sees many holes everyday but goes in the same again and again!
Women have the same parameters for Men and Pizza delivery people. They are disappointed if they come before 30 minutes!
Women are a lot like alcohol. They may give you a great night but they're a fucking headache in the morning!
Female tears and male sperms are so similar. They're always eager to come out and only one in a million is for the right cause!
Dear Periods,
The only reason we tolerate you is because you're a sign that we're not pregnant.
Dear Periods,
We only tolerate you because we get blow jobs that week.
Men like sex, just like their belts...
If it's not tight enough, they'll move it to another hole!
Responses during Sex:
Mistress: Wow! Darling this is great!
Whore: Come on finish it now!
Girlfriend: Ah! Please slowly!
Wife: Ceiling needs painting!
A good date ends with dinner. An awesome date ends with breakfast!
Cleavage is like the Sun. You can look at it but you cannot stare - unless you are wearing sunglasses!
If you don't get a good appraisal inspite of giving your best, don't be disheartened. Even condoms are thrown away after 100% result oriented performance.